Mountains of New York
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When many people think of New York, they think of the bustling, Big Apple and forget New York State has so much more to offer. In fact, the Upstate Region of New York is a nature lover’s paradise. The State is dominated by mountains which are part of the Appalachian Mountain system. This system extends into Vermont, New Hampshire, and southern Canada. While the southwestern area of New York is covered by the lower ranges of the Allegheny Plateau, the eastern third is covered by the Adirondack and Catskill mountains.
Until you can visit, tour our virtual gallery to discover the State’s majestic mountains. Check back often. We’ll regularly update this page in order to help you visualize climbing one of New York State’s many peaks!

Indian Head Cliff is a low summit within the Adirondack Mountain Reserve (AMR). Hikers can access the private area through a hiking easement. There’s a long approach up a dirt road and the trail can be dangerous for children. But once hikers make the demanding climb, the views of the Ausable lakes are breathtaking. The trailhead is accessed near Saint Huberts.
Pictured below, the Shawangunk Mountains are a ridge of bedrock found in three, lower counties of Upstate New York. Covering 47 miles, the Ridge is comprised of rock thought to be over 10-million years old!
Visitors to the Saratoga National Park can easily enjoy this view of Spruce Mountain. The local mountain is found in the Kayaderosseras Range at the foothills of the Adirondack Mountains. The 2,005-foot summit of Spruce Mountain is not easily accessible, since the trail to the top is private. Those who have climbed to the top of Spruce Mountain have said that the views below are gorgeous.
Shawangunk Mountains/RPC Roams Spruce Mountain/K. Rusch
Poke-O-Moonshine by Kristy or adk_mountaingirl Indian Head by Kristy or adk_mountaingirl
Both peaks above (located in the Adirondacks) were expertly captured by Kristy or Adk_Mountaingirl. Poke-O-Moonshine is a minor peak that still reaches over 2,000 ft. Due to its location, it is known as the “Gateway to the Adirondacks.” Indian Head is a popular ADK summit located near Lake Placid. It may be situated on the private land of the Adirondack Mountain Reserve (AMR), but it is accessible by a long, dirt road approach.
The image below portrays Franklin Mountain as it looms over the beautiful countryside near Oneonta, New York. Those climbing franklin Mountain are rewarded with panoramic views of the Susquehanna River valley and surrounding hills of Otsego and Delaware Counties.
Frankin Mountain overlooking the countryside/USDA Whiteface Mountain/nynatureslove
Whiteface Mountain, depicted above, sits near the picturesque town of Lake Placid. The popular mountain is the fifth-highest peak in New York State. It’s also one of the High Peaks of the majestic Adirondack Mountains.
Photo Credits
Cover: Indian Head by Kristy/Adk_Mountaingirl
Hunter Mountain Fire Tower by newyorkhiking
Indian Head Cliff by ny_backpacker
Poke-O-Moonshine by Kristy/Adk_Mountaingirl
Shawangunk Mountains by RPC. Roams
Whiteface Mountain by nynatureslove
Lake Placid: Indian Head and Fish Hawk Cliffs
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation: Nature